Custom School Signs | Dallas TX
At Hancock Sign Company, serving all of Dallas, TX and surrounding areas, we understand that the essential means of communication between an educational facility and its community, parents, students and teachers is a school sign. If you see a school sign at Dallas / Fort Worth area Schools Campus, chances are Hancock Sign Company had a hand in its genesis. We've been heavily involved in the school sign business for decades and continue to be a top choice among school districts and Parent/Teacher Organizations throughout North Texas.

Clear Lexan faces and a locking cabinet secure a readerboard cabinet installed between brick columns.
School signs serve as a diligent instant messenger of special events and important dates or activities, but also is an investment in the future as our custom signs are designed to last. These are the ideal outdoor signs to promote and rally school spirit and pride and also to recognize outstanding achievement and extend a warm welcome with vandal-resistant, lockable marquees for changeable letters.
It's your handshake with the community so you build a stronger relationship with it. Schools and sign donors have come to realize this and have formed a lasting relationship with us, as well. These school signs inform your passing public exactly who you are and it presents a good image. A school sign, after all, most likely is an individual's first impression of a campus and it's communication effectiveness. This recognition and Dallas community support generated by a school sign will influence enrollment increases.
None of this is possible without the custom signage offering a warm and appealing image. We help to accomplish this with skillful, clean designs and quality construction. Since it's the very first impression people have of your school, many institutions are investing in Electronic Message Centers to help convey images and LED-illuminated messages. Schools using LED signs most certainly will have significant increases in community support. This is true for many reasons, but primarily because you can change your messages every day (or even every few seconds, depending upon local regulations). You can also pre-program the messages and bring them up whenever they are needed.
Hancock Sign Company, teaming with Watchfire Signs, offers Ignite software for these custom LED signs in Dallas TX. The software is a snap to learn even for computer newbies, and we offer hands-on training in person. The messages in these electronic signs are so easy to change that passersby can see a new message in the morning, another at lunch, and another at the end of the school day. And if there's one thing everyone in the sign business seems to agree on, it's the need to keep your message fresh.